
Witam serdecznie wszystkich miłośników żeglarstwa, oraz pasjonatów jachtów żaglowych.
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23 listopada 2013

590 stopowy Super Yacht

Luxury Life Design: The Superyacht: Most Expensive and Fastest in the ...

1 czerwca 2013

Krzysztof shared a video with you on Vimeo

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Krzysztof shared this with you:
Bahamas Family Island Regatta for Vanishing Sail (rough preview version)
Bahamas Family Island Regatta for Vanishing Sail (rough preview version)
About this video
"This is a short trailer to give you a feel of what the event in George Town, Exuma was all about (Truly amazing!). My work of this event in the Bahamas and the Grenada Sailing festival will be used in a full length documentary produced and directed by Alexis Andrews called "Vanishing Sail". This film will be about the last of the working sailboats and true local sailors that sailed them in the Caribbean and Bahamas. Follow the link here to read and see more about the documentary and get involved!"
Forward this email to your friends and family so that they can watch the video too.

31 maja 2013

Piękny i stylowy jacht - ALERION 41

Alerion 41         

Poniżej link do filmu prezentującego ten piękny jacht


23 maja 2013

Regaty Whitbread Yacht race 1973-74

Natrafiłem ostatnio w sieci na filmik dokumentalny, przedstawiający legendarne regaty 
przeprowadzone w latach 1973-74 na trasie
 Portsmouth - Cape Town - Sydney - Rio De Janeiro - Portsmouth 
w sumie 27000 mil. Na filmie widać legendarne jachty np. takie jak   SUHALI , Great Britain II i sławy żeglarstwa np. Knox Johnston.

Najnowsze trendy dla żeglarek For Vogue Paris, May 2013

Provocative Woman: Edita Vilkeviciute For Vogue Paris, May 2013: For all summer thirsty lovers this editorial might have more value since it presents absolutely amazing vacation moments that we all wait fo...